Sunday, May 30, 2010

Whitsunday Island

Can you believe it? We had just started sailing out into the middle of the Whitsundays when we saw another Lightwave cat, sporting a very colourful spinnaker. Next thing they are on the radio to us and it is Craig from the factory making a delivery of a new boat to Arlie.Took some photos to send to him.

We ended up in Sawmill Bay another beautiful spot on the west coast of Whitsunday Isand. The Navy must think so too as they were here as well. Nearly lost all my omlette mix when they left.

Climbed to the top of Whitsunday Peak this morning.434m of steep forest so it was shaded until we reached the excellent view. Could see a cruise ship in at Arlie, over to Whitehaven beach,Hamilton and Daydream resorts, Shute Harbour and lots more. So peaceful and sunny.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lindeman Island

After a peaceful night, listening to the charter boat couples enjoying themselves, we awoke to another beautiful morning in paradise.

Then we spied that our new (fishermen)friends from Thomas Island had arrived. When the sultana cake was finally baked we went ashore hoping for a walk. They had the same idea, so we set off for Club Med. Lots of employees stopped to talk and ask us our intentions. Unfortunately a cold beer was out of the question. So it was up to Mt Oldfield for the most magnificent view over the Whitsunday group. Very rewarding and easier when shared with others.

All needed a bit of a rest after that. A few hours later they came over to Silver Gull, where Rob cooked up a delightful meal of Cajun Sweetlip (caught here by Mark). Enjoyed by the girls who had a night off cooking. Yum....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lindeman Island

We stayed another day at Thomas Island and enjoyed a barbeque lunch with the people from the other 3 boats moored there. It was really hot on the beach as we compared our voyages so far.

Next morning we set off for Plantation Bay at the southern end of Lindeman. There are 2 more catamarans here and both are charter boats. There seems to be a bit more action here with more vessels sailing around. Club Med is just around the corner. $72 gets you a buffet lunch or dinner (grog included).

The water is still a bit murky, with dull looking coral and a few fish.

Will have a walk and swim tomorrow when the tide is higher. Capt M doesn't trust going over the bommies at low tide.

Opened the Jamesons last night to drink to Dad.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thomas Island

After a short sail we arrived at Thomas Island and we were the only boat there. Very beautiful and went for a walk and a swim straight away.

Looked like rain so we hurried back to the boat to have lunch. It cleared to a calm hot afternoon and we spent some time exploring in the dinghy. Lots of coral and 3 turtles but didn't see many fish.

By this time 4 more boats had arrived and to our surprise a young guy came over with 3 big trevally fillets saying they had more than enough. Wow free,fresh fish delivered to our boatstep filleted and all. Luckily we haven't filled the freezer with our own catches yet!

Capt M says we have done 525 nmiles so far!!

Next stop Lindeman Island.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Goldsmith Island

Have arrived at Goldsmith Island after leaving Scawfell Island this morning. Went out to the beach for a walk and christened our reef shoes. Thought about swimming until we spotted some huge stingrays.
The islands here have lots of pine trees and grass trees growing on great rocks. Makes for a pretty scene. Saw two round caves at the top of a cliff as we entered this anchorage.
The weather has remained warm and sunny, but I think we are in for a change tonight.
Passed through lots of big tankers again near Mackay. The pilots reach them by helicopter! Capt M had to radio one to check that they weren't going to run us over. Haha best to be safe than sorry.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Double Island

Wow, lost internet connection for a while as we are in the wilderness now. It feels very remote as we have been totally alone for the last 2 nights and no TV. Long sailing days, but at least the weather is good and had a beautiful swim when we anchored this afternoon. A little white coral beach, clear aqua water and not cold yet.
The down part is that it is a bit rocky, hopefully we will have a good sleep. Very hard to cook in these conditions, drinking is easier.
Have some photos of Capt M at work. A broken rope in the mast? and his own washing hanging up!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Port Clinton

Set off early from Rosslyn Bay, beautiful sunrise and a cool breeze. It soon clouded over and we had to do a lot of tacking to catch the wind. This severely interferes with my knitting!

I am more worried about hearing who Margaret Throsby has for her special guest than changing sails. They have been so interesting, especially when you only have one other for company all day and night. (Just joking.) No TV or radio reception at Port Clinton. Got to watch "Juie & Julia" again.

Port Clinton is part of the Commonwealth Defence Dept's army training area."Port Clinton may periodically be closed to visitors during exercises. It is otherwise a delightfully unspoilt all-weather haven 42 miles norht of Rosslyn Bay" Allan Lucas.

Going to Pearl Bay next.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kepple Bay Marina

Arrived at the marina in the rain and tied up sucessfully on our own...

Sunshine out next 2 days. Hired a car (nice silver blue Getz) to look around Yepoon and Rockhampton. Some beautiful historic buildings in Rocky and lots of pubs.

Met One of Capt M.'s old workmates and wife staying at the same marina. Made for good fun.

Told us about boatie website I will check out.
Top photo is the famous Singing Ship monument to Capt Cook at Emu Park. It actually makes noise from the wind.
The one with me in the foreground is one of the volcanic plugs around here. Check out the lines in the rock.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Great Kepple Island

Arrived at Great Kepple after a very comfortable sail and ony 5 hours. We were quite disturbed to hear a distress signal over the radio and then find out that a boat had overturned and a small child drowned. So sad, got to remember this is serious stuff.
Next day was overcast and we went for a long bushwalk, a lot of it uphill. Rugged and untouched, this is the quiet side of Great Kepple. Didn't go near the resorts.
Rained heavily overnight and took off for Kepple Bay Marina to explore Yepoon and Rockhampton.
Have finished the scarf. See the photo of Capt M. modelling it, and it has turned nearly cold enough to wear it. Must find more wool at this stop.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Cape Capricorn

Cape Capricorn is so named because of the lattitude it is on. Therefore great weather and at this time of the year not too hot and not too cold. Just right for a swim. Also walked up to the lighthouse with thousands of black butterflies fluttering by. There looked to be quaint cottages to stay in up there with panoramic views.

en route to Cape Capricorn

These are photos of our trip from Pancake Creek to Cape Capricorn. As you can see Capt M had to navigate through the shipping lanes out of Gladstone. Such big ships just waiting there. We didn't catch sight of the one that ran aground up here. Apparently it is back near Fraser Island.

Another big sail day with a rest day in between. Seems to be our pattern.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

days 16 & 17

Had a big sail day yesterday. Left Bunbaberg at 5am and arrived at Pancake Creek at 4:30pm. Started out with good winds but they petered out around noon.
Bought an audio book to listen to as reading on these days is out of the question. Have started knitting as well. Someone is in for a scarf soon.
Pancake Creek is a beautiful anchorage 30km south of Gladstone. Secluded beaches with palm trees. We enjoyed a walk and swim next to a huge sandbank that appeared at low tide. Now I know what Capt M is talking about with the big tides up here. He also says there will be crocodiles in the next few anchorages!!!! I didn't come to be eaten up.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

days 14 &15

We have become land tourists again and hired a cheap, old hire car to drive around in. A magna that Capt M says has more power than the Nissan Sunny in NZ.
On Saturday we went into the city of Bundaberg to look around, then onto the coast. Managed to see 3 weddings along the way.
The Botanic gardens looked a bit dry, they must be concentrating on Bert Hinkler, it's all about him. We loved the house he lived in in Hampton, England. Yes they dismantled it and put it up again in the gardens. Very quaint and free to see.
We had lunch here which would have been better if they brought both meals at the same time. Haha, it is the country I suppose.
Lunch was better on Sunday, Mothers day. After driving out west to Gin Gin we headed to Childers and stumbled upon a small winery. Lucky to get in without a booking, it was exactly what I would want if I planned it.
Live music, good food and reasonable prices all outside under the trees. Loved it. I think Capt M did too, despite the last 3 km of dirt road!

Friday, May 7, 2010

days 12 & 13

Capt M is being extra cautious, so we just went a little way to Big Woody Island to anchor for the night then took off to Bundaberg today.

A good sail with plenty of wind most of the way. We always see a turtle on these long sails. Plenty of birds as well today.

Arranged to stay at a Bundaberg marina which is new and has a great cafe. Everyone is very friendly and have just returned from Friday Happy Hour.

Luckily for me a couple of nice ladies came and took the ropes as we were about to berth. It certainly takes the pressure off having to jump off and tie up.

Both are headed up to Malaysia. One has sailed from Seattle and plans to be in Thailand by Sept.

It is another world up here. We are such novices.

Will hire a car tomorrow to check out the town. Bundy Rum distillery?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Days 10 &11

Silver Gull has been anchored at the Kingfisher Bay Resort area for the last 2 days and we have been enjoying these facilities.

The rain cleared to bright blue skies so we went on a guided tour of Fraser Island aboard a big 4wheel drive truck. Emma was our very capable driver and guide for the day.

We drove across to the east coast first travelling along the 75 mile beach and spotted 3 dingoes. While being warned not to enter the treacherous surf, (it looked fine to me, but there were a lot of overseas tourists on board) we were able to wade in the pristine fresh waters of Eli Creek.

It was here that Capt M and I boarded the tiny Cessna for a flight over the island with a special viewing of the mighty "Silver Gull" where we had left her earlier that morning.

Absolutely spectacular, turquoise water with only a dugong to be seen nearby. Luckily I didn't see any of the many rumoured sharks feeding on all the fish around at the moment. Only yesterday I did 2 laps around the boat through schools of baitfish!!

After buffet lunch, a cool walk in the beautiful rainforest beside a stream so clear you can see white sand at the bottom and another bumpy ride, the tour ended with a swim in lake McKenzie.

Amazing, again the water is crystal clear, fresh and just the right temperature. An excellent way to finish the tour with a fresh water swim and afternoon tea. Looking around we thought we were in Europe as we were surrounded by young European backpackers all speaking their own languages, thoroughly enjoying this special place. Quite bizzare.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

day 9

The weather has turned against us and we are forced to just read and relax. I wonder how long we can take it? Left Garry's Anchorage this morning and had a nice sail up to Kinfisher Bay resort. Will go and explore once the weather clears.

Didn't go ashore at Garry's. The rain, the thought of sandflies and the sound of dingoes howling put us off? It is very similar to the broardwater here, feel like we're back where we started.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

day 8

There are good and bad things about sailing. The good thing is that we have now crossed the Wide Bay Bar and are safe and sound. Capt M is very proud and says it very exciting for him. He is in his element. I still haven't jumped ship but I would use terms like "thimble in a washing machine" to describe the crossing.

Now we will be sailing up the inside of Fraser Island, but so far the weather is a bit ordinary.

Managed to do some yoga at the end of the day and was rewarded by the sight and sounds of a dugong feeding close to the boat. Strange creatures.

Have uploaded some new photos. This is the best I could do to capture the feeling of crossing the bar.