Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lindeman Island

We stayed another day at Thomas Island and enjoyed a barbeque lunch with the people from the other 3 boats moored there. It was really hot on the beach as we compared our voyages so far.

Next morning we set off for Plantation Bay at the southern end of Lindeman. There are 2 more catamarans here and both are charter boats. There seems to be a bit more action here with more vessels sailing around. Club Med is just around the corner. $72 gets you a buffet lunch or dinner (grog included).

The water is still a bit murky, with dull looking coral and a few fish.

Will have a walk and swim tomorrow when the tide is higher. Capt M doesn't trust going over the bommies at low tide.

Opened the Jamesons last night to drink to Dad.


  1. Nice one Cathy. Cheers Sean xxx

  2. Thanks for the comments Marie. Hope you are not too much of a captive audience.
