Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kepple Bay Marina

Arrived at the marina in the rain and tied up sucessfully on our own...

Sunshine out next 2 days. Hired a car (nice silver blue Getz) to look around Yepoon and Rockhampton. Some beautiful historic buildings in Rocky and lots of pubs.

Met One of Capt M.'s old workmates and wife staying at the same marina. Made for good fun.

Told us about boatie website I will check out.
Top photo is the famous Singing Ship monument to Capt Cook at Emu Park. It actually makes noise from the wind.
The one with me in the foreground is one of the volcanic plugs around here. Check out the lines in the rock.


  1. Hey Cathhy
    all looking spectacular! Nice change from hospital walls and sliding blue curtains....all went well, apparently. My uterus, full of fibroids, had adhered to bladder so it was a damn good thing to have it removed. Ovaries looking good and still in...just have to rest up now and heal hopefully out today..hey are you going to heron island? I went there about 15 years ago. It was gorgeous. Keep up th good sailing. It's great reading of your adventures! Marie xxx

  2. Hi Cathy,
    How jealous am I. What a fabulous experince. I always seem to find out last what everyone is up to!!!!!!!!! Took Mum to lunch for her birthday today with Margaret and my two girls Claire and Michelle had a lovely day.Caught up on all the goss. Margaret showed her Facebook and she was really thrilled to see B'Day wishes from everyone. Hope to have a computer for her soon so we can show her how to Facebook etc and she is looking forward to following your blog.I will certainly be following sure bets facebook and Farmville!!!!!! Say Hi to Mal and I wish you both happy days.
    Libby xxxx

  3. Thanks for the encouragement. I thought no one was reading. Facebook is great(all the youngies will get off when they see we love it too.)I haven't gone near Farmville? yet, but had a laugh over the Irish quiz.xx Cathy

  4. Will have to look up Heron,Marie. Bet you are feeling a lot better now after that news!We are working it out as we go along for best winds/tides etc. Much more to it than I realised.lolxx
